Darren J. N. Middleton’s God, Literature and Process Thought looks at the use of God in writing, as a part of the creative advance, immersed in the processes of reality and affected by events in the world. This edited collection outlines and promotes the novel view that there is much to be gained when those who value the insights of process thought ‘encounter’ the many and varied writers of literature and literary theory. It also celebrates the notion of process poesis, a fresh way of reflecting theologically and philosophically that takes account of literary forms and promises to transform creatively the very structure of process thought today.
Essayists include: William Desmond; Daniel A. Dombrowski; Andrew W. Hass; Christina K. Hutchins; Timothy Mooney; Rene P.H. Munnik; Lewis Owens; Bobby Caudle Rogers; Aliman Sears; Santiago Sia; and, Barry L. Whitney.
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Process studies 32.2 (fall-winter 2003)
“The authors included in this anthology have done a remarkable job of bridging the many gaps that exist between diverse conceptualities and a variety of literary pieces. The various chapters both provide and occasionally demand of the reader a certain expertise in Whitehead, Hartshorne, Heidegger, Derrida, Dilthey, Gadamer, Deleuze, Bergson, Boehme, Teilhard de Chardin, and Desmond. We are provided with enough to get through each article, but challenged nearly to the point of intimidation to know more about the philosophers and their idiosyncratic conceptualities. This book is not for anyone who is not willing to change mindsets rapidly and adroitly in order to see the light flickering in the various ‘betweens’ through which we scramble, ascend, and descend…This book is a success, performing well the daunting task of following the weave of many threads of thinking and writing.”
(2019; 2020)
Routledge reissued this anthology in HB in 2019 and in PB in 2020